Monday, December 8, 2008

A New Beginning

I figured the best way to start anything is with a purpose. I think the purpose will be to enlighten the people who have not heard of a Libertarian and to show them how one thinks.

I believe the purpose of government is to allow all people freedom to do whatever they want insomuch as one man’s freedom does not impede that of another man. I think this should be the basis of any government here on earth.

Pertaining to the freedom of which I speak, here are the limitations entailed by the eventuality of impedance in other men’s affairs:

The most important of which is the fundamental respect for life and the resources of this planet. Freedom should not involve waste, when the cost will inevitably be the price from which all or future generations will pay. (This of course will be within a reasonable mindset, something which environment extremists occasionally lack, but no one is going to argue that if you’re dumping sewage into a river that other people use, that it clearly isn’t your right; on the other hand we can only be clean about what we do within reason of our resources to do so, aka, there will always be some pollution.)

Nor should undue or unjustifiable harm to anything be called a right by freedom. So in these cases of freedom of action, people do not have freedom when there is a victim. Now victim can be interpreted quite liberally, but we will be clear here. A victim is someone or something which is the recipient of a direct action or an action which triggers a scientifically inevitable chain of events that cause undue or unjustifiable harm. Once this rule is broken, it is up to the people to establish laws in which a punishment is due, but an act which produces a victim can not be called an act of freedom and will not be protected as such.

What I'm basically saying is if what you are doing does not directly(or trigger a chain of events which does) harm someone or something, then you should be free to do it. Sounds like common sense but you would be surprised how much of our governmental policy restricts freedom out of some misguided logic.

I think this is a good start upon which everything I believe will rest upon. The title of Mere Freedom is also a C.S. Lewis-esque type of meaning that it is the freedom which we can all agree upon. But more importantly than my political beliefs of what a government ought to be is something which the Libertarian Party will have to assert to become a party which just doesn't revert into what we now see as the Republican party and the Democratic party. There needs to be term limits for every office. People don't get elected to office to make a living, they get elected to make a difference and perform a service to our country. If we become a party which exists merely to maintain power, then we will be no better than what choices we currently have. We must become a party of getting the job done, no matter when election day is and what ramifications it has for future elections.

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