Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Perception or Truth?

"I don't think another Howard Cosell will ever be allowed in the industry, because they don't want the truth. I mean, the public really doesn't give a damn about the truth." -Howard Cosell

As much as I want to see this world as it ought to be, what I want is what it will never be. No matter what I do in life, if there is one thing I want it's the truth. But we live in a world that doesn't want it at all. We just witnessed one of the greatest financial collapses in this country as a result of the housing market and I can tell you one obvious fact in respect to this as well as virtually every other issue: every one has someone to blame and virtually no one has any idea how it really happened.

This world thrives on scapegoats or just blaming someone, especially not themselves, and usually it's one person or a group of people, but one person is preferable. Case in point, every one blames Hitler for the murder of millions of Jews, but do you forget that it took millions of Nazis to carry out that extermination? If we continue to simply place all blame on who we choose to be the "most blameworthy," then we will ignore all those who also participated in the wrongdoing. Responsibility is what we must enforce, accountability for all actions of an individual.

For some reason, though we have known for quite some time about the housing bubble and many of the problems that contributed to our current situation, people don't actually care about something until it happens and when it does they create some fictional world to help cope. I hear all the time people saying the phrase "you need to get a real life" to people, or we "live in a real world," but I submit to you that the world they speak of isn't real at all, it's the ignorant bliss we have created. A world where stronger voices make right, where responsibility does not exist in most situations, where victims who have no voice are trodden under foot of men and those who complain usually get what they want.

To support this fictional world is how when anyone dies, it's always the good things people remember, because bad things are only remembered in a world that holds people responsible for who they are and what they did.

What am I saying?

This is the top-down society we have created, we have choosen, and that we refuse to change. The only people blamed are those at the top, which is incidentally choosen through politics and not truth, leading everyone into a realm of comfortability through which sleep can be attained in the constant daily reminder that we have someone to blame.

Sure, a bottom-up society of responsibility on all people is much harder to achieve, but it yields a populace of people who are better than those in a top-down system.

I'm not sure how to finish this but this world is headed for a disaster, any logical level-headed person can see it, how dire it is I don't know, only time will tell, but know this:

We do not hold people resonsible for their mistakes.
Our education is failing to teach basic math skills to even the teachers who teach our children(gee maybe that's why we're failing)
A society built on a system of extrinsic rewards only, yields a more selfish inconsiderate culture.
A political system that time after time does not fix problems and only applies band aids or temporary fixes will eventually lead to total and complete collapse.

We all have a hope that someday we will fix these problems, but in the words of CCR "Someday never comes."

1 comment:

Justin Zeth said...

That's exactly why I expect you, as my friend, to badmouth me publicly at my funeral. Because we're convention breakers!