Monday, December 22, 2008

WIth Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?

Yeah. Read this one.

If you're too lazy or paranoid to click the link (after all, it might be an insidious attempt on my part to steal all your money with my fearsome cracking skills), I'll give you the Cliff's Notes.

Woman was passenger in a vehicle driving someplace, with her friend driving another vehicle following behind.

Woman's vehicle smashes into a light pole at 45 MPH. Woman is semi-trapped in the wreckage and unable to escape on her own.

Friend pulls over, rushes up, and fearing the smoldering wreckage would explode soon, grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her out of the vehicle.

Woman is paralyzed from the waist down, but survives.

Woman buys her friend a nice thank-you card and maybe a gold necklace for helping preserve her life.


Just kidding about that last part. What actually happened was: Woman files a lawsuit against her 'friend', blaming her for rendering her paraplegic. Really.

Now, being in a horrible car wreck and becoming paraplegic is one of the absolutely most horrible things I can think of. Myself, I'd rather be killed than paralyzed (mostly because as a paraplegic you're an unceasing, life-altering burden to whoever's closest to you, a fate I desperately hope never befalls my wife). To say the event would leave you or I or anyone bitter is like calling the Pacific Ocean 'damp'. To say the very least.

But to sue your 'friend' who was risking her own life to try to save yours?

I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions from here, but remember today's Safety Tip: Carry copies of an affidavit and a pen in your glove compartment, so if you happen upon flaming wreckage with someone trapped inside, you can make sure they sign the affidavit indicating they won't sue you, and then pull them out.

1 comment:

David Kenepp said...

Paraplegic is livable, quadriplegic wouldn't be for most people. With your arms you can still get around in a wheelchair do things on your own, read whatever. As a quadriplegic you couldn't do much of anything.

But on point to what happened, I like the fact that without any scientific proof, she is claiming that her friend made her a paraplegic. I'm sorry but if I'm a judge, regardless of any circumstances, if you can't prove that someone caused something, should you even be allowed to sue them? This is ridiculous.